Sup Sengkel Bening recipe and Health Benefits

500 grams of sengkel beef, cut into pieces
3 cloves of garlic, minced
3 shallots, minced
Sufficient water
Salt and seasoning
Ground pepper
2 teaspoons of fried shallots
3 small spring onions, chopped

Cooking instructions:
Sauté the minced shallots and garlic until golden and fragrant.
Add sufficient water, wait until it boils, then add the sengkel beef.
Add salt, seasoning, and ground pepper, cook until the sengkel beef is tender. Taste test.
Serve with a garnish of fried shallots and chopped spring onions on top.

Health Benefits:
Sengkel soup is a traditional Indonesian dish made from boiled beef bones for a long time to produce a rich broth. Some of the health benefits associated with sengkel soup include:

- Bone strength: Sengkel soup is rich in important nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, and collagen that help strengthen bones and prevent bone problems such as osteoporosis.

- Joint health: The collagen content in sengkel soup can support joint health. Collagen is an important protein that helps repair and maintain the strength of connective tissues, including joint cartilage.

- Immune system: Sengkel soup is usually boiled with various spices and herbs such as ginger, garlic, and pepper. These spices contain antioxidant and antimicrobial compounds that can help strengthen the immune system.

- Recovery after illness: The nutrient-rich broth of sengkel soup can aid in recovery after illness or surgery. The broth provides hydration, electrolytes, and easily digestible nutrients to replenish the body.

- Healthy digestion: Sengkel soup contains collagen, which can support the health of the digestive tract. Collagen helps to line the intestinal walls and promotes the regeneration of healthy intestinal cells.

Although sengkel soup has potential health benefits, it is important to remember that these benefits cannot be considered as a substitute for proper medical treatment. If you have medical conditions or health concerns, it is recommended to consult with a medical professional before relying on sengkel soup or any specific food as a treatment.