Karedok recipe and Health Benefits

Ingredients : 
- 2 sections of cabbage, evacuate center, finely isolate
- 5 sections of green eggplant, meagerly cut
- 1 adolescent cucumber, meagerly partition
- 100 g bean grows, siangi, reject beginnings
- 1 pack basil, leaves citation
- 100 ml of tepid water
- 1 tablespoon of repulsive water
- 2 bits of lemon, press the water

Sice Nut, puree:
- 10 sections of cayenne pepper
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 2 tbsp fricasseed peanuts
- 2 centimeters kencur
- 2 tablespoons dull sugar brush
- saline to taste

How to :

1. Wash the vegetables, flush with tepid water, channel.
2. area the vegetables in a helping canister and set separated.
3. mix the shelled nut sauce with stewed water, acidic water, and crisply packed lemon juice extricate.
4. Consolidate shelled nut dressing to the vegetables, mix well,

Health Benefits :

Karedok is a traditional Indonesian salad made from raw vegetables mixed with peanut sauce. Here are some potential health benefits associated with karedok:

1. Fiber content: Karedok consists of various raw vegetables such as cucumber, long beans, bean sprouts, and cabbage, which are rich in dietary fiber. Fiber helps maintain digestive health, improve bowel movements, and reduce the risk of constipation.

2. Vitamins and minerals: The vegetables in karedok, such as cucumber, long beans, bean sprouts, cabbage, and basil leaves, contain various important vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, iron, and magnesium. Vitamin C plays a role in boosting the immune system, vitamin K is important for healthy blood clotting, vitamin A is needed for eye health, while iron and magnesium support red blood cell production and good muscle function.

3. Antioxidants: The peanut sauce used in karedok contains peanuts, which are a source of antioxidants such as vitamin E and polyphenolic compounds. Antioxidants help protect the body's cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

4. Hydration: Karedok is made from fresh vegetables that have high water content, such as cucumber, which helps maintain good hydration. Sufficient hydration is important for optimal bodily functions and maintaining fluid balance.

5. Low in calories: Karedok is generally low in calories as it is made from raw vegetables and light peanut sauce. This makes it a healthy food choice and can help in maintaining a balanced weight.

While karedok offers numerous health benefits, it is important to remember that cleanliness and the quality of raw ingredients used in karedok are also crucial to prevent contamination and ensure food safety. Make sure to use fresh vegetables and wash them thoroughly before using them in karedok.