Telur Masak Base Genep recipe and Health Benefits

10 btr eggs
500 ml of water

15 pcs red chili
10 pcs chili sauce
15 pcs red onion
10 cloves garlic
3 cm ginger
3 cm turmeric
3 cm kencur
3 cm galangal
5 stalk lemongrass
10 btr hazelnut
2 tsp shrimp paste
2 tsp salt
1 teaspoon pepper

How to cook eggs Cook Genep Base:
Boiled eggs, peeled
Put the spices in a skillet, pour water, stir well.
Cook, stirring occasionally until sauce thickens and the flavors mingle.

Health Benefits :

Telur Masak Base Genep is an Indonesian dish where eggs are cooked in a spiced coconut milk sauce called Base Genep. While Telur Masak Base Genep is primarily enjoyed for its flavor, the dish may offer some potential health benefits due to its ingredients:

1. Eggs: Eggs are a good source of high-quality protein, essential amino acids, vitamins (such as vitamin B12 and vitamin D), and minerals (including iron and selenium). Protein is important for various bodily functions, while vitamins and minerals support overall health and well-being.

2. Base Genep spices: The Base Genep spice blend used in the dish typically includes ingredients such as shallots, garlic, turmeric, galangal, ginger, lemongrass, chili peppers, and other herbs and spices. These spices may offer various health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can support immune function and overall health.

3. Coconut milk: Coconut milk is the base of the sauce in Telur Masak Base Genep. It provides healthy fats, including medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are easily digested and can be used as a source of energy. Coconut milk also contains essential minerals such as iron and potassium.

4. Flavorful and satisfying: While not a direct health benefit, the combination of flavors and textures in Telur Masak Base Genep can make the dish satisfying and enjoyable to eat, which may promote satiety and reduce the likelihood of overeating.

It's important to note that the specific nutritional profile and health benefits of Telur Masak Base Genep may vary depending on the recipe and ingredients used.

As with any dish, it's advisable to consume Telur Masak Base Genep as part of a balanced diet that includes a variety of other nutritious foods.

If you have specific dietary concerns or health conditions, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist for personalized advice.